Test 1 2.

Test 1 2.

Jobs! Jobs! Jobs @ HUNT.PH!

Hunt.ph is a new job portal site wherein you can search, find and apply for good job opportunities both here and abroad. Whether you are a fresh graduate or a professional looking for a better career opportunity, Hunt can help you find that perfect job.

To get you started, please visit www.hunt.ph and register for free. It will also show you the step-by-step guide of building your resume so you can start browsing and applying for jobs.

Let Hunt.ph be one of the tools to your success. 🙂
Please share this information to all your family and friends!

WordPress Noob. Blogging Noob.

Here’s my first step taken towards the world of WordPress and blogging. And I welcome myself into this new world.

My expectations along my journey are:
1) People
2) Education
3) Information
4) Entertainment (Music, Films/Movies/Videos, etc.)
5) Food
6) Places
7) Events
… and the list goes on and on.

So now…
Start and enjoy blogging!
Point, click, blog!

Ron Del Rosario/The Daily Inquirer
Randy Marasigan/DC (Daily Contributor)